Monday, July 18, 2011

cool shirts [of the quick and easy variety]

I slept in on saturday. I mean waaayyyyyy in, rolling out of bed around 10am. I know I should feel sheepish about this, but it had been a hard week with low doses of sleep, and all I have been able to feel is refreshed and incredibly grateful.

But the house was awfully quiet when I finally emerged. I thought everyone must have gone on a ride or a walk or a hike up the hill. But no, I found them all in the garage.

After making breakfast, my husband had sent the kids off to get a plain shirt and scavenge cool shapes -- leaves, grass, rocks, sprockets (can you tell which one is my bike-obsessed boy?) -- while he mixed a spray bottle with 50/50 water and bleach.

And then they laid out the shirts, spread objects over them, and spritzed. Seriously, that's it. After the shirts dried they were given a quick run through a cold wash and voila -- new digs.

Can you believe how well they turned out?

And can you believe I got to sleep through the whole thing?!?

1 comment:

  1. What an incredible idea! I love these. And I love that the kids could participate so actively. This is definitely on my list of future activities to do.
