Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wearing it out giveaway: pink cashmere

I've finished the first in our year of repurposing giveaways. The giveaway winner sent me this pink cashmere sweater set that was too small for her, envisioning something with short sleeves for her five-year-old, lover of all things girly, daughter.
This is what I sent back to her.
The socks are a bit of an experiment. (I've rescued socks with holes in them before, turning them into smaller socks, but making them out of sweater sleeves is new territory for me.) I couldn't let those deliciously soft sleeves go to waste. Hopefully she'll let me know how they hold up.

I thought the pink needed something to offset it, so I embroidered some dandelion seeds in pale yellow.
Here's to wearing it out!


  1. That is AMAZING. I am so impressed!!!

  2. That is so totally adorable. Your vision for repurposing is quiet amazing.

  3. Thanks, guys! This is the type of challenge I love. Hopefully I'll be doing another repurposing giveaway soon.
