In the past I've recycled all the papers we didn't need to keep (and let's face it, most of these papers do not need to be kept), but there has still always been a twinge of . . . something. I mean, homework or the week's schedule just seems like such a sad life for a piece of paper.
So last week I decided to give them a second life.
We usually bring along little notebooks for the kids (and, well, both of us) to doodle in on sundays, but last week we ran out. And just like that, a new life opened up for the stack of papers piling up on the bookshelf.
I folded the papers in half, schoolwork on the inside. Then I stacked them five or six doubled sheets high, folded a drawing or painting (from the big stack of those languishing elsewhere in this house) on the outside -- placing the exterior fold over the non-fold edges of the inside papers -- and stapled the lot.
Took about five minutes to put together three books this morning. Took the girls about forty-five minutes to finish them off.
Drawing books.
I thought "highly technical bookbinding" was a bit unnecessary for these, especially since they're eventually headed for the recycling bin anyhow (unless the doodles happen to be exceptional). Instead I opted for fold-and-staple.
Fair enough.
great idea!